Ad Ignorantiam

  • Category: Film
  • Role Writer, Cinematographer, Editor
  • Dates: 1970
  • YouTube: Digitized 16mm B&W

Pretentious Title, Simple Idea

Ad Ignorantiam was a first time effort, shot with a wind-up Bolex. This is a community college student film with a pretentious title for a simple anti-war statement. The original sound track (which was unsynced music) didn't fare well in the digital transfer process of this 50+ year old film print, so I replaced it with something I found on the internet* that seems to fit pretty well. I also did what I could to clean it up a bit for ease of viewing.
Soldier - Joe Lombardo
Dead Soldier - Craig Witzel
Girlfriend - Stephanie Paris
Bureaucrat - Craig Witzel
* "The Mirror of Sound"