
  • Category: Film
  • Role Writer, Cinematographer, Editor
  • Dates: 1970
  • YouTube: Digitized 16mm B&W

Another pretentious Title and Simple Idea

Loess was my second film effort, shot with the same wind-up Bolex as the first (Ad Ignorantium). Both were community college student films. Loess had the advantage of A/B roll editing and the disadvantage of me as a cinematogropher. And there was nothing I could do about actors who couldn’t throw a frisbee. (A lesson about casting I never forgot). As with Ad Ignorantium The original music sound track (which was sort of synced to the scenes) didn't fare well in the digital transfer process, so I replaced it with something I found on the internet* that seems to fit pretty well. I also did what I could to clean it up a bit for ease of viewing.
Loess is "a loosely compacted yellowish-gray deposit of windblown sediment".
Anne Daley
Gerald Duff
Erica Potter
Peter Simpson
Debbie Tipton
Assistant: Robert Salcido
* By WinkingFoxMusic & Brusse